Images of some of the world’s last steam trains.

Crossing the iconic Victoria Falls Bridge over the Zambezi River between Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Shaken maybe, but not stirred in the tea shop. Myanmar (Burma).

Fuxin coal mines railway system. Liaoning Province, China.

Two Mallett steam locos head for Asmara, Eritrea.

Hard work in Germiston loco depot, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Forging through the gloom on the Baiyin Non Ferrous Metals Mine Railway, Gansu, China.

Tropical train steams south from Colombo heading for Galle. Sri Lanka.

The view from the rice paddies, Myanmar (Burma). January 2017.

A perfect line-up in the foggy Dongcheng yard, Jixi, Heilongjiang, China.

'. . . Saw a train set the night on fire . . .' is a line from the Ewan Maccoll song, Dirty Old Town. Both the line and the song title so capture the character of the steel works dominated town of Beitai, in Liaoning Province, China.

Spoil tipping in the wastelands of Nanzhan, Zhalai Nouer, northen China.

Early morning train leaves Wolsztyn, Poland.

Departure from Attock City Junction. Punjab, Pakistan.

Knysna bound on a frosty morning. South Africa.

Dramatic departure from Thaton, Myanmar (Burma).